“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

―Leonardo da Vinci

Sacred Geometry is pure mathematics infused with the understanding that everything is energy and energy is spirit. Patterns, proportion and ratio are an expression of the divinity of the universe that is beyond religion, doctrine or culture and, in fact, shares much in common with quantum science. Sacred Geometry is the language of Spirit and, on a fundamental level, the language of creation. It is a language of numbers in art, music and architecture. It is the ratios of nature, such as the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio, that govern the visible and invisible world. Every sacred shape is a creative word, a form of vibrational energy and pattern that manifests the creativity of Source.

In this practical drawing workshop, I will be guiding and teaching you how to tap into this ancient art by showing you how to draw step by step these striking and powerful shapes. This workshop is an energetic clearing and activation through the process of art making and allows participants to directly access a level of positive coherence in their hearts body and mind. I shall be sharing this ancient wisdom and some background information on each Geometry and creating a space where we can all access this knowledge through the language and visual transmission of pattern.

Alongside opening yourself up to new creative outlet there are positive mental and physiological health benefits you can feel from spending time in creative flow, especially when creating geometric art.

There is a level of inner coherence which will be accessible to you during and after the class:

- A Reduction in anxiety or overthinking

- Activating your own innate wisdom

- Balances the left and right hemisphere of the brain

- Boosts Mindfulness and concentration

- Enables you to access your inner flow and voice more directly

- Encourages creative thinking and problem solving

- Increases neuroplasticity in the brain

- An overall general feeling of wellbeing and a Dopamine release

A two-hour workshop will teach you the relevant skills for the following three powerful Geometries:

-> How to draw the Star Tetrahedron from the flower of life template.

-> How to Construct the 12- and 24-Fold Rosette

-> How to draw Metatron’s Cube from the fruit of life

I allow flexibility and flow and if you feel an atunement to a particular geometry

there is space for you to explore it more deeply.

Sacred Geometry is pure mathematics infused with the understanding that everything is energy and energy is spirit. Patterns, proportion and ratio are an expression of the divinity of the universe that is beyond religion, doctrine or culture and, in fact, shares much in common with quantum science. Sacred Geometry is the language of Spirit and, on a fundamental level, the language of creation. It is a language of numbers in art, music and architecture. It is the ratios of nature, such as the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio, that govern the visible and invisible world. Every sacred shape is creative word, a form of vibrational energy and pattern that manifests the creativity of Source.

To enquire about future workshop dates